Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nutritia se imbina cu gesturi umanitare

Blogul meu inceput de atata timp din pasiunea pentru nutritie si fitness nu are mare activitate , nici eu nu m-am ocupat indeajuns de el , mai este si in engleza …si nu  intodeauna este usor de scris  despre nutritie in alta limba decat cea materna. 

Iata ca azi e un pic altfel si o sa  inbinam foarte frumos nutritia cu gesturile umanitare in limba materna ca sa ne intelegem mai bine si ca sa fim siguri ca  trezim suflete amortite . Se apropie Mos Nicolae cat si Craciunul si suntem uneori mai sensibili si mai motivati in aceasta perioada la daruire neconditionata . 

Dedic acest articol Asociatiei Copii Suflete Sperante si tuturor celor care s-au implicat atat cat au putut in promovarea Campaniilor din cadrul acestei Asociatii . Iata si linkul unde puteti citi despre infiintare, membrii, Campaniile Umanitare si totii oamenii de suflet adunati la un loc in scopul strângerii de fonduri pentru construcţia la Constanţa a unui centru nou, ultraspecializat, care va reuni sub acelaşi acoperiş cele mai noi metode de tratament din lume pentru recuperarea şi reabilitarea copiilor cu probleme neuro-motorii. dar mai ales povestile micutilor care au petrecut mai multe zile in spital decat acasa cat si despre nemarginita lupta pe care o duc in fiecare zi prin multitudinea de tratamente, terapii , proceduri ...atat ei cat si parintii lor . 


50,000  este numarul copiilor cu  tulburări neuro-motorii grave din Romania  şi fiecare din ei are nevoie de o speranţă.
50,000 de donatii a cate 100 Ron este ideea cu care a pornit Asociatia cu scopul de a strange 1 milion de dolari pentru a demara construcţia acestui centru.
50,000 de sperante care pot fi luminate cu ajutorul nostru
50,000 de tricouri inscriptionate cu un numar unic de la 1 la 50000  , un simbol al faptului că fiecare dintre noi multiplicat cu 50 000 putem realiza ceva uimitor.
50,000 de fotografii  vor face parte din Albumul Sustinatorilor cat si din Cartea Recunostintei
Si provocarea mea cea mai mare este sa adun 50,000 de share uri   cu acest articol  ( sunt ambitioasa stiu ! :)   ,  postat pe un blog de nutritie nu chiar popular . Te provoc sa imi fi alaturi si sa trimitem povestea lor , sa participam asa cum putem la dezvoltarea si sansa viitorului pentru suflete inocente care au nevoie de noi , de noi cei preocupati de sanatate , de vegetarianism, row veganism , yoga, de fitness si cum sa fii in forma pana la 100 de ani , de noi cei care uitam cat de bogati in sanatate  suntem si uitam sa daruim celor in nevoie .
Toate detaliile despre cum puteti dona le găsiți aici, dar , acestea sunt si  conturile:
RON:       RO86  RZBR  0000  0600  1400  6227
EUR:       RO97  RZBR  0000  0600  1424  2903
USD:       RO53  RZBR  0000  0600  1424  2919

Iata si cateva fotografii cu cei care in urma donatiei lor de 100 de Ron au intrat in posesiatricoului unic daruit in semn de recunostinta .

 Impreuna prietenii pot schimba lumea !!

In final , nu ma pot abtine sa nu dau eu un sfat de nutritie pentru mamicile micutilor  
Dragele mele , alimetatia este extrem de importanta pentru noi toti dar mai ales pentru copilasii vostri a caror miscare , activitate fizica este din pacate extrem de limitata . Va sfatuiesc din inima sa le oferiti cat mai multa hrana vie, produse organice  , alimente care sa ii ajute in digestie, in prevenirea racelilor si in intarirea oaselor .
Recomand sa consume cat mai multe seminte, nuci , cereale integrale de tot felul adaugate in orice mancarica , avocado este un fruct care face minuni in dezvoltarea creierului si functionarea lui optima, sucuri de fructe cat mai multe si va rog , va rog nu ii oferiti zahar si dulciurile cu zahar !!! O sa fac in curand un articol numai si numai despre acest „cancer alb „care este zaharul . Informati-va cat mai mult si incercati pe cat posibil sa le oferiti alternative la dulciurile cu zahar .
Pe curand super mamicilor , nu exista cuvinte care sa exprime admiratia mea pentru puterea din voi si pe curand copiilor al caror zambet ne umple sufletele zi de zi in lupta lor cu viata , cu tot ce inseamna recuperare si provocare .

Va imbratisez cu drag

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cow's milk is designed by nature to be the perfect food -- for calves, not for human beings!

Its been long time seance I haven’t been active here  and it’s a shame as I do this for myself and anyone who's interested for  pleasure and relaxing time  . I have been in vacation and I've been eating bad , Romania its not inspired me at health to much . I have not workout for a long period of time , about 2 months and it was painful to go back now but I did it and it was great , I have been missing the feeling so much . And like always .  healthy choices in food come easier when you workout hard.  I'm proud to say that I have been back on track for a few days now . I believe  this little blog is also getting more active every time I'm more disciplined . They all work good together .
 Ive been eating so much dairy at home , as  in cheese and yogurt, sour cream and milk ..
Today  I was watching TeshiaMahar ‘s blog  , she is a row  vegan yoga teacher and she post a video from YouTube about dairy which I found very interesting  and motivational in such a way that I stooped everything and went in the supermarket and bought some almond milk . I found the Australian Organic one . There were times when I use to do my own almond milk and it is the best way to do but for the moment I don’t have the right blender for that here so alternatives are welcomed .
So I'm done with the cheese  and from now  I'm using almond milk for my breakfast ( mix oat meal with berries and nuts and add the milk ) or for my coffee as I still like to enjoy one per day .
So I put together some interesting information about dairy and I know for many people can be contradictory or many mothers out there will wonder “ why is my doctor recommend this milk or that milk  for my baby if its not healthy “  but there are facts that we can not ignore and facts that we deserve to be aware of . I totally understand what happened with us as the brainwashing about milk-based foods begins at an early age, and we've all been heavily indoctrinated. We are convinced by the media, government and even science, which is often financed by special interest groups, that if we don’t consume dairy products we would quickly become unhealthy and weak .
Milk isn't always bad. Mother's milk -- that is, human milk -- provides a growing infant with all the nutrition he needs for the first six months of his life. In fact, human breast milk is designed by nature to be the perfect food for human infants. Similarly, cow's milk is designed by nature to be the perfect food -- for calves, not for human beings.
One of the biggest nutrition myths out there, aided and abetted by the Milk Mafia, is that the best calcium is found in dairy products. But researchers have discovered that the healthiest sources of calcium actually come from plant-based foods.

The Truth about Dairy
According to Dr. Willett, who has done many studies and reviewed the research on this topic, there are many reasons to pass up milk, including:
1. Milk doesn't reduce fractures. Contrary to popular belief, eating dairy products has never been shown to reduce fracture risk. In fact, according to the Nurses' Health Study dairy may increase risk of fractures by 50 percent!
2. Less dairy, better bones. Countries with lowest rates of dairy and calcium consumption (like those in Africa and Asia) have the lowest rates of osteoporosis.
3. Calcium isn't as bone-protective as we thought. Studies of calcium supplementation have shown no benefit in reducing fracture risk. Vitamin D appears to be much more important than calcium in preventing fractures.
4. Calcium may raise cancer risk. Research shows that higher intakes of both calcium and dairy products may increase a man's risk of prostate cancer by 30 to 50 percent. Plus, dairy consumption increases the body's level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) -- a known cancer promoter.
5. Calcium has benefits that dairy doesn't. Calcium supplements, but not dairy products, may reduce the risk of colon cancer.
6. Not everyone can stomach dairy. About 75 percent of the world's population is genetically unable to properly digest milk and other dairy products -- a problem called lactose intolerance.

On the compassion side ,,
At least 5 million cows raised for milk in the United States live on factory farms under conditions that cause them tremendous suffering. They do not graze contentedly in fields; they live in cramped, concrete-floored milking pens where they are milked by machines that often cause cuts and injuries that would not occur if people did the milking.
 While many consumers have heard about the cruelty of the veal industry, most people don’t know that the dairy and veal industries are inextricably linked. Cows, like humans, only give milk after they’ve had a baby. Thus, in the eyes of the farmer, the cows’ offspring are simply a byproduct of this milk-production cycle. Perhaps the greatest pain suffered by cows in the dairy industry is the repeated loss of their young, which is quite traumatic to these extremely maternal animals. Female calves may join the ranks of the milk producers, but the males are generally taken from their mothers within 24 hours of birth and sold at auction either for the notorious veal industry or to beef producers.
Within 60 days, the cow will be impregnated again. For about seven months of her next nine-month pregnancy, the cow will continue to be milked for the fluid meant for her older calf—and this cycle is repeated until her milk production wanes, at which time she is sent to slaughter, most likely to be ground up into fast-food burgers. Calves will continue to suffer as long as there is a market for dairy products. 

Are you wondering by now what is the alternative to milk and here I am to let you know that they are many and healthy .
 Below is a list of high calcium foods, for more, see the extended list of calcium rich foods.
Dried Herbs
Although dried herbs are rarely used in large portions, adding in a few extra pinches to all your sauces, soups, and stews is a great way to get more calcium into your diet. Dried savory tops the list with 2132mg of calcium per 100g serving (213%DV), that is 85mg (9% DV) per tablespoon. It is followed by celery seed with 124mg (12%DV) of calcium per tablespoon, dried thyme with 57mg (6% DV) per tblsp, dried dill with 53mg (5% DV) per tblsp, dried marjoram with 40mg (4%DV) per tblsp, dried rosemary with 38mg (4% DV) per tblsp, sage, sisymbrium, oregano, spearmint, parsley, poppy seed, chervil and finally dried basil with 21mg of calcium (2% DV) per tablespoon.
 Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds provide the most calcium when they are roasted or dried with 989mg (99% DV) of calcium per 100g serving, or 277mg (28%DV) per ounce, and 88mg (9% DV) per tablespoon. Sesame Butter (Tahini) provides about half the amount of calcium with 426mg (43%DV) of calcium per 100g serving, 119mg (12% DV) per ounce, and 64mg (6% DV) per tblsp.
Tofu is most commonly found in Eastern foods, particularly Chinese food. Fried tofu provides 372mg (37% DV) of calcium per 100g serving, or 104mg (10%DV) per ounce, and 48mg (5% DV) in an average 13 gram piece. Tofu prepared with calcium sulfate can provide much much higher levels.
Almonds are a great source of calcium whether dry roasted or made into butter. Almonds will provide 266mg (27% DV) of calcium per 100g serving, 367mg (37% DV) per cup, and 74mg (7% DV) per ounce (~22 Almonds).
Flax Seeds
Perhaps better known for their omega-3 fats, flax seeds also provide calcium with 255mg (26% DV) per 100g serving, 428mg (43% DV) per cup, and 26mg (3% DV) per tablespoon. Beware however, as milled or whole flax seeds provide calcium but refined flax seed oil provides no calcium whatsoever.
Green Leafy Vegetables (Turnip, Mustard, and Dandelion Greens, Collards, Kale)
Dark leafy greens are a great source of calcium raw or cooked. Raw turnip greens provide the most calcium with 190mg (19% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 105mg (10% DV) in a chopped cup. It is followed by Dandelion greens which provide 103mg (10%DV) per cup, Kale 9% DV per cup, Mustard Greens 6% DV per cup, and Collard greens 5% DV per cup.
Brazil Nuts
Possibly the largest of all nuts, brazil nuts are a great source of calcium. Brazil nuts provide 160mg (16% DV) of calcium per 100 gram serving, 213mg (21% DV) per cup, and 45mg (4% DV) per ounce (or about 6 nuts).

Substitutes for milk are soy milk, almond milk, rice milk , oat milk and you can find recipes and how to prepare all this on Internet without a problem , same with other product like  butter , cheese , all made from nuts .  
I recommend where you can find out more about it .
I think I said enough about dairy and how it can harm us , Ill hopefully be back soon as I hope to stay healthy and do lots of workouts . No matter what,  will talk about row vegans next time , was in my mind for a while and Teshia Mahar had inspired me so much .
Her site is

„The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like and do what you’d rather not „

Mark Twain



Monday, May 7, 2012

Enthusiasm , Motivation & Inspiration


            The quality of everything we do: our physical actions, our verbal actions, and even our mental actions, depends on our motivation.
     That's why it's important for us to examine our motivation in our day to day life. If we cultivate respect for others and our motivation is sincere, if we develop a genuine concern for others’ well-being, then all our actions will be positive.
Dalai Lama
Its been a while since  I haven't update my blog with new posts and I have no excuse  as I also put on weight and I'm out of shape  and there is  no excuse for any of this .
I'm struggling lately with eating clean and working out , I'm not sure what has got into me in the last 3 weeks but I need to get out of this laziness and this comfort zone that is dragging me down every day .
The weather become very hot and usually this is the best time to stay away from fat food and from big portion and to find the energy to go swimming , tanning, running in the morning which I use to do and enjoyed so much .
Today I'm starting my own war and I will find the power within myself and the motivation to stop being so random and get the body I want for the summer .
Every January I start the diet of my life and the workout trough my 6 packs abs . And I do work hard for this until about march –april when I'm slowing down and losing it . So what do I need to stick with in this loose moments ? MOTIVATION !!It can be hard to keep up but here’s some simple and fun tips on how to stay motivated in this matter .

Stick with a plan. If you make working out part of your daily schedule, it will be much easier to keep up with. Once you do something every day for two to three weeks, it becomes an ingrained habit, like brushing your teeth. Many people like to work out in the mornings because you're less likely to make excuses like being tired from work, hungry or too busy.
With all this you may still get  bored and this   is the perfect time to try something new. You'll be more willing to try things you may have dismissed because they didn't fit within your definition of exercise. It could be bellydancing, a latin dance class or that spinning class at the gym. Or try something more mind/body like Pilates  or yoga
Set your sights on success. Practice mantras when you work out. These can be especially helpful when you're doing something repetitive. When you're on the treadmill, for instance, every time you start thinking "I can't" or "I'm too tired," make a conscious effort to replace these thoughts with "I can and I will" or "I feel strong." It may seem corny or unnatural at first, but these simple phrases actually work. Repeating something enough will place it in your subconscious, which will register it as fact. And pretty soon the mantras become reality.
Every day is different. What motivated you yesterday may not work today, so sift through what inspires you to find that one thing that will get you out the door. It may be pants you want to fit into or competing with your friend (he's working out--you don't want to fall behind, do you?).  Before you skip your workout, try these ideas to get moving:
·         I'll feel good about myself if I finish my workout
·         I'm going to dinner tonight, so I know I need this workout to balance my calories
·         This workout will give me more energy for the rest of my day
·         If I finish this workout, I can spend some time reading, watching TV or playing around on the computer
Write your way to success. Write out your fitness goals and keep a record of your workouts each day. You can use Excel sheets or whatever suits you, from notes to tally marks to crossing off a calendar. Set realistic but challenging goals and reward yourself when you accomplish each one. When you accomplish major milestones, buy yourself a new pair of training sneakers or a new piece of sports equipment
Erase the concept that if you can't do at least 30 minutes you're wasting your time. Exercise burns calories, increases energy, and improves your health - even in small doses.

Play mind games. Display pictures of yourself at your goal weight or hang up pictures of your favorite athletes or fit models to motivate you. Don't pick photos of unhealthily thin people because that will defeat the purpose and only make you feel worse. Make a collage with motivated words and pictures of champions or star athletes. Looking at this before you work out can be very motivating.
Subscribe to a fitness magazine or online fitness newsletter. New tips and exercises can be inspirational and alleviate boredom.
Make yourself your own hero. Congratulate yourself every day on defeating your own worst enemy -- your negative thoughts

There you go ..  ! As  for me … in order to follow this tips and slap myself out of this disgust weakness I joined The Eatery app and share my snaps with everything I eat so that people will rate it .  This is my motivational fitness host , Zuzana Light 
 her workouts are free and you can find them on YouTube if you just type  ZWOW .
If Ill ever get to have her legs , abs and arms Ill definitely have the fake boobsJ

Every time I look at this girl’s body I'm always thinking that shes working out so much , day and night but we all know like I wrote in all the other posts that to get to those results we need to eat clean 80% and to keep working out 20-30 min 5 days per week . So this is how we should really see her body   J

This is me when I was at my ideal weight , 4 years ago ,,,    My next pic I will post here will be a recent one but with the same amount of kg like in this one .
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

How to Get Motivated to Work Out |

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The most magnificent machine that you will ever be given is your body , keep it active and clean by DETOXING !

This is it ,,, I am starting a DETOX from tomorrow . No no no this is not just me saying it like that for the sake of the post or the subject. I am full of …toxins of course!!! And you are too if you drink and eat like I did in the last weeks … months…year I guess, well,, séance my last detox a year ago .
Detox should be part of our diets every 6 months .
  I  did exercised and run 3 times a week in the morning …but like I said before  , to be in a good shape and to get fit and have energy you must be 20 %  in to the workouts, fitness , running  and 80%  in your DIET and what you throw in your body .
If you’re experiencing signs of toxicity and want to start feeling better now, as well as ensure a longer, happier life, then start by helping your body to detoxify. You might be surprised to hear that one of the easiest and healthiest ways to do this is simply through food!
So I will start with the 3 days juice fast and this is what I found out about it .
"Juicing speeds up the detoxification process, removing toxins and hardened deposits in the body"
The juice of organic vegetables will not only speed up the process of detoxification, it will flood your body with enzymes, vitamins and minerals for quick absorption....and greatly benefit the immune system.
The juice of organic vegetables is rich in nutrients. As the cells of your body are bathed in these fresh, alkaline vegetable juices, they begin to release acids, which are toxins that can then be removed through the elimination channels of the body i.e. the lungs, kidneys, skin etc.
Juicing provides a rich source of live enzymes essential to the digestive process. Enzymes are proteins that break down foods into nutrients your body can readily digest. When you eat, digestive enzymes are released from your saliva glands sending signals to the stomach and small intestine in preparation for digestion.
What Does a Typical Juice Fast Involve?
  • Between 32 and 64 ounces of juice is usually recommended per day during the fast. The juice is sipped throughout the day. Typical fruits and vegetables include celery, carrot, kale, cabbage, apple, pineapple, cranberry, spinach, beet, and greens. Citrus fruits are often avoided.
  • Approximately 6 glasses of room temperature or warm filtered water is often recommended in addition to the juice.
  • Organic fruits and vegetables are usually recommended. If organic produce isn't available, practitioners suggest peeling the skin off fruits and vegetables or washing vegetables with a non-toxic produce cleaner, usually available at health food stores.
  • Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables are preferred, but if unavailable, practitioners suggest buying it from the health food store or juice bar as fresh as possible.
  • Green vegetables and sprouts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which juice proponents believe are especially beneficial during a juice fast.
  • A combination of fruits and vegetables is recommended.
Certain fruits and vegetables and their parts should not be juiced, such as the pits of peaches, apricots, cherries, and other fruits, apple seeds, citrus peels, carrot and rhubarb tops, tough skins (such as kiwi, pineapple, mangoes), and bananas and avocados.
Drink the juice within 30 minutes or less. Juice will start to oxidize after that, losing valuable enzymes and vitamins. Bottled juices are not a good substitute for fresh juices. Enzymes are destroyed in the bottling process.
Just before drinking the freshly made juice, put a little Himalyan Crystal salt on your tongue (contains 84 minerals), available at this link or possibly your health food store. Himalayan Crystal Salt is high in trace minerals, and will signal the body to absorb more of the nutrients as you drink the juice.

IMPORTANT !!  Always include 1 teaspoon of  spirulina powder  and 1 teaspoon of chlorella powder in your  juice for high protein. Chlorella and spirulina are truly the most astounding food sources on planet Earth and I invite you to read about this amazing superfoods in here  :
The following is a list of the most common organic produce to put in your juices; generally whatever looks vibrant and fresh, green and in season….which means not everything you read below is in every drink. Just do the best you can with the produce available.
1 head lettuce (not iceberg)
1 head dark green kale (remove stems)
1 carrot
½ beet OR 1 carrot - no more than this - high in sugar
Beet greens (top of the beets if they are fresh)
Celery sticks (chopped up first)
Collard greens
Dandelion greens
Cabbage - drink immediately if adding cabbage

There’s few juice recipes . They are to be juiced in a really good juicer but if you don’t have one  then a blender will do it as a chunky baby food .

Potassium Juice
3 carrots
3 stalks celery
½ bunch spinach
½ bunch parsley
Homemade V8 (6 glasses)
6-8 tomatoes
3-4 green onions with tops
½ green pepper
2 carrots
2 stalks celery with tops
½ bunch spinach
½ bunch parsley
2 lemons (just the juice )
Mean Green Juice Recipe
1 cucumber
1 good bunch of Kale
4 celery stalks
1/2 lemon (rind on ok)
one small knob (about ½ inch or less) of ginger root
2 granny smith apples (gala is good too)
Spinach-Veggie Mix

1 cup of spinach
1/2 cucumber
2 stalks of celery including leaves
3 carrots
1/2 apple

Core the apple, and juice 1/2 the apple, carrot, celery, cucumber and spinach. Serve immediately.
Parsley-Veggie Juice

1 cup of parsley
1/2 apple
2 carrots
3 celery stalks
Core the apple and split in half(you could use a whole one, if you'd like). Juice the carrots, apple, celery and parsley. Drink immediately.
This is a great energizer. Parsley (even just a little) in anything gives you a kick!

Easy Greens

1 head romaine lettuce or celery
5-6 leaves of kale (or spinach, dandelion, or parsley)
1-2 apples or pears
1 lemon, peel ok
Clean the lettuce and cut so it's manageable to juice. Cut the lemon in half. Juice hte lettuce (or celery), apples, kale, and lemon. Serve immediately.
The apples and pears are added to make it more palatable.

Refreshing Greens

1/2 cucumber
1/4 a small Honeydew melon
Small bunch of seedless white grapes
2 kiwi fruits (without skin)
Large handful of spinach
Small sprig of mint
1 lemon

Cut a cucumber in half. Cut the honeydew, and remove the rind as it's not good for juicers. Juice the cucumber, honeydew, grapes, kiwi, spinach, lemon and mint. Drink immediately.

Cabbage - Carrot - Spinach Juice

3 Carrots
A handful of Spinach
1 3-inch wedge of Cabbage

Juice the carrots, spinach and cabbage together as usual. Serve.


3 Carrots
2 Tomatoes
2-3 Celery Ribs

Juice the carrots, tomatos and celery together. Serve immediately. A classic in our collection of vegetable juice recipes!

Tomato Juice

4 Tomatos (Roma are firmer and work the best)
Cut the tomatoes into wedges and feed through your juicer. Serve.
Use tomato juice to make your own tomato soup! Mixing in some celery and a little carrot and parsley make a great tomato cocktail

Broc - Cabbage - Califlower

1 Stalk of Broccoli
Quarter head of Cabbage
Quarter head of Cauliflower
2 Kale leaves
1/2 Lemon, peel ok
2 Apples

Core the apples and cut a lemon in half. Prepare the cabbage and cauliflower. Juice the broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale lemon and apples together. Serve.
The benefits of juicing are enormous. Green juices help to eliminate wastes and toxins and irrigate the body, build the blood and carry oxygen and nutrients directly to the tissues.
What to expect during a green juice fast
Common detox symptoms include headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness and weakness. Some people experience loose bowels, although it is more common to experience several and soft bowel movements. Either way, this is a good sign. These symptoms usually mean that your body is cleaning itself out (exactly what the fast is meant to do). Do not get discouraged. Detoxing usually will only occur for the first few days. After it passes, you will have a heightened energy and feel very alive. Your mind will be clear, your vision might improve and you might feel like you’ve never felt before. Focus on positive thoughts, drink tea, take a nap if your body is telling you to, and persevere.
Remember that many people have been juice fasting for centuries with great success. Getting through any adverse symptoms will take you to a new level of health.
Teas to calm the stomach and mind are chamomile and peppermint.

To end a juice fasting it suppose to have solid food slowly introduced in your dayly diet . I recomand meat only after 3-4 days after the end of the fast .  As I am vegetarian I personally going to start eating salad and up to 2 portion of fruits in the 1st day after the fast , then slowly start eating nuts and quinoa .  And coffee ? Yes I am going to allow myself a small coffee soon after my juice fast . Alchool ?? No ! No ! No forever ...if only would be so easy J Maybe a glass of wine in the 3th day after finishing my fast J 

Enjoy your week and join me in this wonderful healthy green challange !!!!

Resources :